
A Tag is an Element Type identifier. The Element Name is a short description.

  • Elements are Types of data that are identified by a unique text parameter (2-4 characters) followed by a 3-digit number, called Tag.
  • The Name is a short description of the specific Element.
  • Chaining, or nesting, Elements in a Project creates a Full-Tag and Full-Name.
  • An Elements Full-Tag/Full-Name is the chain of all Parent Tags and Names, starting from the first Project Tag and Name.
  • The 3-digit number added to each Tag guarantees that every Full-Tag is unique in the Project.

Note:  The 3-digit extension number of the Tag is "autogenerated" once an Element is placed into the Project tree. 

Tip:  Establishing or utilizing an existing Tag coding system is recommending to promote consistency.

Tag/Name, Full-Tag/Full-Name

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