
A Table is the re-presentation of data in a row/column format. The data displayed are based on user-defined searches. Data can get edited directly in Table View.

Creating Tables

  • Tables are stored in user-defined Table Categories to help with organization.
  • Creating a new Table is based on the Advanced-Search function.
  • Saving the Advanced-Search conditions to a Table, by assigning a Table Name and Table Category, allows us to quickly re-generate the search results. 
  • Editing the Table means editing the Advanced-Search condition.
  • The Project window shows a preview of the search results (only Tag level only).
  • Tables can get moved between Categories by changing the Advanced-Search conditions.

Note: Tables are outputs of the Advanced-Search function. Opening a Table automatically re-runs the Advanced-Search

Working with Tables

  • A Table displays, based on the search condition, all the Elements with its associated Fields.
  • Modifying the "Filter Columns" function allows displaying only relevant Fields. The selection is stored with the Table.
  • Change the column width by dragging the column divider in the Table header with the mouse.
  • Every Field in a Table has an individual "Search" function to customize the representation of data further.

Note: The "Search" settings for Fields inside the Table view are not saved. Refreshing the Table view removes the conditions.
  • Fields of individual Elements can be edited directly in the Table view by clicking on the "Vertical Ellipsis" of the Element. Changes are performed on the original data.

Table - Advanced Search

Table - Selection

Table - Filter Columns

Table - View

Table - Search and Edit

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