
The Kiptr application is referencing the terms like Project, Element, Type, and Field throughout the user interface. Understanding its definitions and applications will make navigation and workflow easy.

Info:  The user defines the Element's purpose by assigning a Type to it. Each Element Type uses Field's to further describe its properties.


  • Building a Project is performed by selecting a Type of Element and placing it in the desired location inside the Project Tree.
  • Types and Fields are user-defined, with the exceptions a few pre-defined Types and Fields.
  • A Type is assigned to a specific user-defined Category for organization purposes.


  • Fields are assigned to a Type to describe its purpose.
  • The user-defined Fields are available throughout all user-defined Types in the Project.
  • The user selects and assigns the Fields to Types as needed.
  • Each Field can hold a value. The user sets or modifies the value. Restrictions for values are based on the Field-Type.
  • Field-Types are: Text, Integer, Real, Date, Boolean, Multiple Values
  • The Field-Type "Real" requires a "Unit of measure" (e.g. [A] for Ampere or [$] for Currency

Pre-Defined Types and Fields

LevelTypeCategoryTagTag NameFields
1 - Parent
Status, Priority, etc.
2 - xxx (except in 1)TaskGeneralTASKTask
Status, Priority, Assigned to, Start/Due Data, etc.
2 - xxx (except in 1)

Demo Project: Types and Fields

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